
“To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.” Mahatma Gandhi


Raccoglitesi is a command-line utility for Unibo students: it finds all the bachelor’s and master’s theses offered by a certain department. Raccoglitesi updates automatically and daily.

The project is hosted on GitHub. The most recent version of the generated list is always available here in PDF or here as a web page.

How it Works

Raccoglitesi is a web scraper written in golang, based on the project of the same name by @giammirove. It finds information on certain pages of the website, such as:

  • https://www.unibo.it/it/ateneo/sedi-e-strutture/dipartimenti, to discover the departments present;
  • https://{{dip}}.unibo.it/it/dipartimento/persone/docenti-e-ricercatori to find the names of people in the department;
  • https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/gianluigi.zavattaro/didattica?tab=tesi to find the theses listed on the site.

It is worth noting that all this information could change over time (such as the URLs of resources, HTML tags through which the desired information is found). It is therefore important to continue monitoring whether the script still works. For this reason, the program is run every day at midnight.

Analyzed Departments

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Community of students from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna
