
“When typography is done well, words become images.” Shawn Lukas


This thesis template uses AsciiDoc, a document format simpler and more concise than LaTeX, yet still capable of generating rich and engaging content. It is often used for technical documentation. Writing your thesis in this format can simplify your life.

You can use this project as a template for a new repository on your profile: just click on “Use this template” in the top right corner.


It is recommended to install a code editor extension that supports Asciidoc.

Getting Started

To compile the sample file thesis.adoc, use the command:

asciidoctor-pdf -a pdf-fontsdir=fonts thesis.adoc


By clicking on Actions at the top, you can enable project automation:

  • For each push to a PR directly into main, it will be checked whether your thesis compiles correctly;
  • If you have set up Github Actions as SettingsPagesBuild and deploymentSource, with every change to main, your thesis will be published at https://<username><repository-name>/thesis.pdf.

Remember that if you change the name and path of thesis.adoc or unibo.yml, you will need to adjust your Actions accordingly.


Asciidoc is the language you will need to use, and you can find the documentation here.

Asciidoctor PDF is the software that will produce the .pdf, and you can find the documentation for layout here.

🚸 Be careful when editing the unibo.yml file.

Indentation is very important (2 spaces).

Changing the file extension of unibo.yml is prohibited.





The official documentation for structure and style:

We offer different styles for lists:

with type [circle] + with type [square] + with type [disc]

Example of a generic list:

* Protons
* Electrons
* Neutrons

Example of an ordered list:

1. Protons
2. Electrons
3. Neutrons

If you use . instead of numbers in the ordered list, the numbers will be automatically inserted.



Math Mode


Syntax Highlighting


The bibliography is located in the bibliografia.adoc file. It’s simply a generic list of elements starting with * [[[placeholder,Placeholder Text]]]. + The placeholder before the comma is a code that can be used in the text as a reference, the placeholder text is the text that appears in place of the code.

Page Numbers

The footer section in the unibo.yml file controls the page numbers that are preset in the center. To set them on the outside edge of the binding, replace the entire footer section with this:

  height: 100
      content: "{page-number}"
      content: "{page-number}"

External Resources

The Computer Modern font is released under the SIL Open Font License.

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Community of students from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Bologna
